About Clark Aviation Consulting

Interviews are easy when you have all tools around you!


How it all started... in 1998 Lori was the manager of pilot selection & recruitment for an airline where she and her team of airline pilots conducted hundreds of interviews. After hearing the same stories, the same answers, over and over from different people it became evident that the candidates had been given bad advice. In 2004 she started Clark Aviation Consulting and set out to change the bad advice train.

And the rest is history...
Scott Corely interviews Lori about airline pilot interviewing today.


Our team of consultants consists of current, active line pilots, check airmen and Lori herself, who span 30+ years of industry experience. We are here to help ease your tensions, answer your questions and prepare you for your next career move. It is our mission to provide quality information and feedback so you may progress in your career confidently and successfully.


Lori has been in and around aviation since the mid-80's. She worked for a commercial airline, with most of those years devoted to recruiting, interviewing and selecting new hire pilots. She has given workshops for two different national pilots unions, provided inspirational seminars to flight schools and conducted interview prep for hundreds of pilots, including management pilots in the airline training environment.

Lori and her team have interviewed thousands of pilots and reviewed many, many thousands of resumes and applications. She has served as an expert witness on several cases, participated as an Advisory Board member for Chandler Gilbert Community College, Pan Am Academy and Arizona State University-Aeronautical Science Department. She was the subject of a feature article in AviationCareer.net magazine (May 2001) and Pilot Careers Magazine (May 2004) and has been quoted in numerous aviation articles.

Ms. Clark left the airline to form this company in an effort to better help pilots achieve the next step in their airline careers. She is a nationally certified Professional in Human Resources holding a B.S. in Marketing and a Certificate in Human Resources Management from Cornell University



Although we have prepared pilots for many different airlines, including foreign airlines, we specialize in pilot interview preparation for:
Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines and United Airlines.


While we welcome phone calls, Email is preferred

Phoenix, AZ
Phone: (+1) 303 386 4133
Email: lori@flytheline.com